Monday, June 23, 2008

No time for much more...

I am at the office..and I have just a couple of minutes to tell you a bit more about my life!

The work in Unit Elements (my brother's company is VERY HARD MAN ... many hours and a lot of responsabilites) ooOoOo good....!n but also very nice...but no time for nothing, many trips all over europe.....with nice people. Also, during the summer I work with the other part of the company and i will coordinate summer camps. hahahah...nice eh! I hope soon to change work soon as i prefer to be poor and with not so many responsabilities! I was happier being a guide! I am trying now (again) to get a place in Andorra. Cities are not for me..and BCN is an amazing place but...full of cars ... i want nature, i want family i want LA SEU.

My nieces are great, Dana is already a little girl and Carla has started to walk!

Eps...better times will come....

Barcelona is job..too job already...

love you


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hola from London to everybody! I found today a letter which I was supposed to post in our blog three months ago but I never did. So I'm just dropping it below with no more comments. Filia

Dear Friends, Co-travellers and Brothers,

I wish you all a happy new year which will be accompanied by ever-lasting health and happiness!

It has been long time indeed! Everything has changed and nothing is the same anymore. However the epic Leiden Crew is still on the way of an undetermined route of the everlasting voyage that started suddenly few years ago without any divine force to impose it but fertilised by pure friendship feelings of beautiful and cosmopolitan people. More or less I know some news and developments of some of you. I also had the honour to meet and host some members of our heroic Crew. Marco, Peter and Julia came to Athens last summer. Maria (glykoula), Kostas, Ilias, Kyriaki and Nikos were met accidentally or after arrangement for the first meeting outside Leiden where we all grew up a year.

Marco spent a month in Greece, Peter came only for two days and a night in Athens where he declared that “Athens has the best nightlife among all the other cities I have visited”! Thank you Peter, what a declaration! We are doing our best! In ten years Athens will be the centre of amusement and night entertainment in Europe, all the city centre of Athens is now full of hundreds and hundreds of bar and restaurants with unique style and personality! Remember my words… and Peter’s!

When Peter went to Thesaloniki to meet Anna, Marco and I, together with a friend from Scotland, Matrin, we went to Mykonos for few day, then we went to Ikaria to meet Ilias and leave Martin there and pick up Ilias’ brother Nikos instead, in order to continue our trip towards the island of Paros, then to Santorini and finally to my beautiful and paradisiacal island of Anafi! I have to say this, Marco is not a nudist! Those who have talked with me already know what has happened this summer in Greece, for the rest who does not know I just have to say that those holidays were just more that GREAT and the fun I had with Marco and the rest will be very difficult to be repeated again in the future. And here I have to add something more for all of us and for our future gatherings and reunions. There is no better place to meet all together than the Greek islands during the summer! Those who hesitate ask those who have attended!

Well, all the above were supposed to be a short holiday period in Greece, just for a month, and straight after that go London were I was planning to establish my self. Fortunately, one surprise followed the other in Greece, new beautiful people came into my way and the time rolled, rolled so much that I arrived in the day of my birthday this Saturday without understanding how such a thing happened. I am out of schedule almost six months but my batteries are full of charge ja ja and I don’t regret of course, the opposite, I am highly grateful to 2007! The most beautiful thing though was that I lived again with my family after six years of wonders, I played with my niece and met again all my friends from the beginning.

In between, and I could not end without mentioning it, I travelled back to the Netherlands for a week. Two days in Maastricht to graduate and eventually collect my second master in ESST Economy and Management of Technological Change and Innovation and the rest to our beautiful and unique Leiden. There I found Javier, Aris, Mina, Irini, Rixt, Ronald, Masha and Devin and other friends from the past who are still leaving our fairytale. It was just great, everything has remained the same, like no time has pass at all since then, it is amazing. The same canals, the same market, the same buildings, the same people, the same bars and coffeshops, the same bicycle traffic and the same happy and beautiful people all around this striking place!

More interesting things happened but this is the price we pay when we don’t leave around. We miss each other’s life, we miss each other’s smile but we will never forget the year we spend together and the feelings attached to our hearts. Our future reunions will contribute to our will to keep having common experiences where we will have the opportunity to live each other again and live a part from our past for once more and dream the future with prosperity!

All my love and though to all of you,

Efstathios or Stathis

Monday, October 29, 2007

Hola Tios, tias, Antonios y Antonias!

It's a is our blog! you and me! hahahahah let's see if we start encouraging people around to use it! JOder!

Well well well, here ..... I have finally settled down in Barcelona. After some job-search in Andorra, I have decided to come to Barcelona. The weather here is mild and nice in comparision to Andorra. hahaha.

I am working as a guide in the Museum of the HIstory of Catalunya, in a very nice building by the sea in the centre of Barcelona. Apart from that, I am also guiding people around Gaudi's buildings, etc. I am enjoying a lot and ... I am learning a lot as I forgot everthing about catalunya! I am refreshing my mind and I am getting very attached to my roots.

I will be here for at least one year and during the summer i will probably go to France again!

i love you all !


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Ahoj again.
Although i know its probably just me and Alicia who are checking this site, but i still enjoy it more than group emails. First of all, in my last post i havent mentioned my fairy-tale trip to Greece. I have met Stathis, Marco, Anna, Giulia and Theo and,as expected, it was a perfect time with all of them.
Secondly, i want to let you know that next tuesday im leaving to Leiden, where im going to find some job of my life, or at least something close to that. On the begining i will stay in the place very well known to all of you, with the proud name of Oegstgeest, Geversstraat 59A. Aris and Letizia were in Slovakia for a short visit and we discused all the practical stuff, so i got my basics of jobsearch in Netherlands. im looking forward, but who knows how will it end. i will update my address and phone to the Database soon after i get one. On the end i post few pics half-randomly from my documents folder. take care and all the best.

An innocent reminder of Annoula's great skill: enjoying chocolate

My boy is strugling to understand the concept of the communist neighborhood of Petrzalka, Bratislava (not on the picture). Me, less touched by the scenery constantly repeating the notorious: "Kosice is better, re."

Sticker on the floor of Budapest airport with a clear connection :-) Cheered me up while waiting for a flight to cairo.
Tribute to unknown cat-lover, Cairo bookmarket

View from my balcony on a dusty sunset

Personal assistent Mr. Ramadan
On a walk trip to desert with Katka and Luiza
Guys preparing dinner under our balcony

Friday, September 14, 2007

Salam aleikum you my loves spreaded all over,
continuing in my tradition Im writing again from the airport, now in Cairo. waiting for my flight and enjoying wireless connection you r the first ones who i remember in such lovely but instable place as airport. you are my people of airports and the ones, who i always think about when im on the airport, when i see destinations as Amsterdam, Athens, Barcelona, Moscow, Milan, Ankara, Johanesburg. I know that sooner or later i will take a plane again to see some of you.
Im leaving Egypt now and im going to start some kind of new life. I quitted my things in Cairo and now im looking for something new, that will hopefully fullfil me and i will be able to stuck with that for longer. After a few weeks at home i plan to leave either to Leiden, Brussels or London and try to find something good there. it is a first time for me to look for a job seriously and im quite curious what this challenge will bring to me. i really feel i need to settle somewhere at least for a year or two, do some work and switch off all my worries about what im gonna do next month. all that i had already discussed with some of you, so u perhaps have some idea of what i mean. Although my future location is absolutely unknown, im inviting any of u for a visit. it has been a very long time, that i discovered how i love when a good friend comes to see me and to enjoy my daily life with him/her.
Here in cairo i had perfect friends also, and im getting convinced more and more that i really have a luck in meeting right people. i had a very nice time here; learned some news about myself again and about the life as such, right on time when i started thinking that i know already enough. we should never think that way however tempting it is.
i had a nice party lonight with many good-bye shots with my friends, so this has also influenced my melancholy a bit, but the substance is pure and genuine. i miss u and will always want to see u...yalla, take care, my laptop battery is falling asleep. kisses
peterako, cairo

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Ça va? Oui, oui! À Annecy va très bien! Je suis très contente ici! ho lalalalla!
hhahahah ! how are you people of the world? All ok!??

Here life is just AMAZIIIIIIING! I am so happy here! Annecy is awesome! It's a small little medieval mountain village located by a beautiful "lac". I am thinking to stay here longer...if I find a job of course....

fuck...i dont have much time!

I will give you more news soon...!

Take care and be happy!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Hiya visitors,
i'm at Budapest airport and happily found some wireless conection, so I'm just letting you know that after a few nice weeks in Slovakia im going back to Cairo. My address there would be different than previous one, but phone number should remain the same. I will write more from the spot. I expect to stay till the end of september. After that i will see. Im also planning very seriously a trip to Greece to some parts of my greek family ;-) most probably in late july or early august.
Alicia's visit was perfect and i enjoyed it a lot, so i hope the rest of you get inspired as wel.
cheers and see u later,

Saturday, June 16, 2007


Sunday, May 13, 2007

Hallooooo from warm Moooscow!

I see I see...Alicia is planning a little summer gathering with Peterako:) very good to know, although sad because I am not so free to move after this july..Hopefully, I ll be working full time with my government job..I am sad actually not to be able to see any of you but I know that after december I will not have this job, so decided to sacrifice..who knows possibly we will have some winter gathering again!! and dont exclude Moscow please!!! I have one international hostel that is full of international people and comparatively cheap for Moscow! At the moment I am also trying to find a separate appartment ( might be a little away from Moscow centre) but if I do - you are all welcome to stay there:)

million kisses to all leidencrewers, even those that I dont have chance to talk to! I remember you all and I miss you a lot - trust me on that!


Saturday, May 12, 2007

Hei News:
I'm gonna visit Peterakooooooooo! iujuuuuuuuuuu! I will flight to Katowice on the 5th of June, and come back the 10th via Wien! I'm so exited! OLE OLE OLE OLE! So, people, how knows...maybe I could see someone else there???????????
Ciao! kussen in the assen!

Monday, May 7, 2007

im here again,

lets try to make some updates on my whereabouts and whatabouts, since i havent talked to many of you for months already.

im still in egypt, but im going home on 28th May.i dont know yet for how long and what will i do in summer, but i expect to find out during this month. cairo it is getting hotter, but i got some good practice on my trip to Aswan in southern egypt. it was 51 degrees there which is my career high yet. in Aswan i met my friend and relaxed for 2 days by floating on the small Nile boat. i still havent cut my hair, but it seems to be just a matter of time.

Last week was also pretty unusual. Some weeks ago one guy stopped me on the street and asked if i want to be in a movie as an extern. I was not in the mood at all, but a friend who was with me insisted that i should take it and go for interview. i respect girls opinions, so i went. on the interview they told me they're about to start shooting the new big egyptian movie staring Omar Sharif (in case u dont know him, ask your mama) and that they would like to have me there. ok, i said, i wont leave Omar in trouble. so the result is, that all the last week i was kind of movie star... to be exact i was one of the 7 sailors, who were on the ship, where all the story is taking place. Movie should be issued in January, so you might be able to see me for a few seconds, maybe even in your cinema. Film is called The Passenger (Al Musafir) and it is a stupid simple kitchy romantic lovestory...only my presence makes it a bit watchable. But the good bunch of people gathered there and soon became friends, so it was a lot of fun on the end. im posting also a photo of the only slovak sailor, have fun. It was also paid very pleasantly, so i didnt mind at all.

In case i will be free in summer, i deffinitely want to go to Greece, to see how my friends live there and enjoy the food and sea. So, greek crewers, pls, let me now about your plans and maybe we can manage to combine them somehow. also, there is preliminary plan to go for music festival in slovakia 4-5july ( there is english version also, but slovak one is more updated). it would be excellent if some of u manage to come.

i have to finnish now, ill be back soon stay happy and dont cause troubles to your mamas. kisses, i miss u all.
Hallo popolo.
i said to my self that some of u might feel a lack of art and culture in your hard-working academic and profesional lives, so here i come to help you. our president had birthday last week, and i would like to share with you one stunning jewel of contemporary arab lyrical poetry. it was published in a state-owned newspaper, and promptly translated. This piece, unfortunately, it's not an irony. enjoy:

My dear child,

On the celebration of your birthday, I find myself at a loss as to what kind of gift I should offer you, my most beloved child.

On this happy occasion I asked myself: Should I offer you a flower, watered with the water of the Nile, and that flourished in the embrace of the palm trees… and as I presented it to you, it took the shape of 70 million of my sons and daughters?

Or should I take the traditional course and light a candle for your birthday, and all my sons and daughters would gather round as they sang with a beautiful voice and with all their heart ‘happy birthday Mr. President’?

Shall I just plant a kiss on your forehead my beloved son?
What can I do to express my happiness on the day of your birthday… well I will recount, on this happy occasion, something precious in my mind, your long and difficult path which takes you to my heart, my memory and my feeling.

You are a powerful eagle soaring the skies… teaching my enemies lessons they cannot forget, and you protect me from the shame of defeat.

You, my beloved child, tackle the difficult issues like a noble fighter, carrying my sons and daughters to security, comfort, allowing the flower of freedom to bloom and sing the melodious tunes of democracy.

You tower above all patiently, while some of my children try to tarnish the forum of freedom, abusing the democracy which you have welcomed through doors and windows.

You have been patient with some of my children who have lost their way, and wished they could see the light. You didn’t try to silence any voice or break any pen, for the sake of freedom and democracy. You treated them like a noble knight.

I know you don’t like praise… but you are a part of me and with the rest of my sons and daughters, you are my wealth.

Happy Birthday,

PS: i will write something more about me in next few days, i promise... you must agree, it would be not appropriate from me to mix my low human stories with such divine verses. cheerz

Thursday, April 26, 2007

People of the World

Alice in Wonderland is russhiiing around to find the white Rabbit! Have u seen him? Always running and going and coming...and us!

News from the Tulipa---Land:

I am still doing the Internship at the Gemeente about a Collection Plan for the artworks they should whether keep or get rid off...its nice. I will end this in a month.
Tomorrow my brother Carlitos is coming...Laurita...i will give him regards from you! hahaha

I have been little things around and above all I have taken the bike to make routes around! Last time I went from Maastricht to Liege!!!!!!!!! Amazing eh! I also went to make 40 kil in the flower fields! SOme Hillegom, passing througth Norkwij and I arrived to Leiden! Was so nice! A wonder of the world! I will try to post so picture later on! I try to see Maja, Roland, Ritz...but no one was there! Pity! But I can tell you that Leiden is still awesome!

Just in case someone want to come to France this summer... I officialy let u know that I will be in Annecy in July, for the whole month! The place its very nice ... in the Alps aahahahha! I m so enthusiastic about it! So...once are more than welcome!

And then....i will probably be in Barcelona.

Gente..i miss you in so many moments,...such as remembering our bdays! Laurita you sang so well Azzurro with the egg in your mouth ahahhahahaha! We share such a wonderful mometns together!

Love you


Thursday, March 29, 2007

Hey Hey Hey!! Everybody needs Somebody to Love!!!I need You You You!!!I know that everybody is doing I am not asking you..but I would like to hear more from you..Mama Europa Peterako mou is fine..I posted my address but at the comments..I couldn't find another way..well..I have no photos to add..but I can sing for you..Give me a kiss to build a dream on..and my imagination will climb upon this kiss..give me a kiss before you're leaving and my imagination will feed my hungry heart.. ahhhh..I love you all very much!kisses to build dreams..many dreams..on...

Monday, March 19, 2007

Ciao crewers,
I did my search for some pics in my laptop, but i dont have any special ones. thats the best what i have for the moment. in one week Luiza will come, my polish friend (most of u may remember her from her Leiden visit) and she will make some more photos for sure, so i will share them after.

the one with music is from the hostel where i stayed for more than a month. it was a pure social and party hostel, ideal place for chill out. I even eventually met one american guy who turned to have the same grand grand grandmother with me. so we got drunk ritually, to celebrate the family reunion. what else can i expect from this unbeleivable world?

the others are from my walks around city with one slovak artist who was looking for inspriration. he painted few nice big canvases which were later exibited here in the gallery for couple of weeks. it was nice to go out with him and listen to his artistic fantasies. he did not speak english nor arabic, so me or another friend had to be with him all the time. We have soon realized that if you leave an artist unattended in cairo u wont find him again easily. but we had fun at least and the artist guy was as lucky as only naive people can be. than for a week i was going out with Vranas, which was great guy. greek egyptian, applying stathi's measures the ideal of mankind , and i liked him also. if u r interested. he dresses like that all the time, with 2 ancient knives and 1 sword from some philipinain monastery under his it is fun to walk with him on the street. he lives and works in Aswan, southern egypt. i plan to go there and visit him in 2 weeks. his grandfather was Georgij Gurdjieff, an extraordinary budhist-sufi spiritual thinker. i heard so many interesting stories as never before. i think particularly stathi will enjoy it.

i have quite many things to do these days. hopefully i will have internet at home in comming week, so we will be able to communicate more intesively. now i live with Bjarne, which is norwegian photographer doing crazy portraits. but now he is in Alexandria for work and he leaves in end of the month anyway, so i will have to find someone else. u can check his work, which i really like on: or . there are many from egypt also. if u find a photo of Mark, guy with a cigarette, that's the one who's my relative,heh.
im missing all of you..i hope u r doing well and smiling your way through the day.
cheers to africa, asia and mama europa. and please post your addresses to database, coz postcards are waiting on the table. kisses. salam.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Hola to the tremendous Leiden Crew!

Three continents are hosting now the members of this glorious international network of friendship and diversity. Hope you are all doing fine with your new life, even though I know, that some of you are doing more than fine and currently are extremely happy with the changes in your life. The same applies to me too, Madrid is just amazing! It is always sunny, but not very worm yet, and as you all know Spanish people are expressive and joyful enough! The night life in the capital is luscious, however I am trying to resist as much as I can to it and focus in the PhD courses I am following, as the level, of the course and the Spanish language, is quite advanced. Hopefully I will be done with the Thesis by June and after the exams (in Spanish!) I wait Kostas1 or Kostas2 to make the tour of Spain (if there is enough money left of course of course).
Hope somebody of you will come to visit Madrid, I do not expect Laura and Peter to make it this spring (for obvious reasons), but I do wait Kostas, Aris and Eleanna at least, and who knows, maybe some more.
Well, it has been some time since the start of this historical Blog and at this moment, I am happy I managed to contribute (with delay).
I would like to acknowledge Peter's work and thank him for his dedication and the creation of this Blog; and all the rest of course that made this Blog functional and alive!
From now and on I will write more often and try to upload some classic photos of the past glorious Leiden moments!

With all my love to the most beautiful people,

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Ok, so im starting official and always up to date Leiden Crew Database. New readers should check previous postings for a hint. You can make updates by editing this posting, as i guess this would be the most efficient way. or, in case, it might also be possible through "comments". It is a duty of each of us to have these addresses updated as soon as possible, because you never know what one can send you ;-) I created a list of current members now. If anyone new signs up, he/she should just add the name and address to the list. Yalla!

 +421 908 040 848.
Efstathios: C/ Pasage Capitán Cortes 3, 3ºD, San Sebastian de los Reyes, Madrid, 28700, Spain. TELEPHONE: 0034652121205, 0034912412686
Annita: Tsarvouli Anna, Paster 3, 546 33, Thessaloniki, Greece, 0030 6974 72 93 17, 0030 2310 262 204
Vikalinka:Victoria Zakurkina, Nagornaya ulitsa 25/2, kv 5, 117186, Moscow, Russia
Mia: Miroslava Ambrozyova, Chemicka 955, 148 28 Praha 4, kolej Blanice, Czech republic (Slovakia:Panelova 9, 040 01 Kosice)
Kostas Vadratsikas:

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hola hola Caracola!
News from Afica! guauu! This sound so exciting!

Here we are...all spreat around the globe.

Hope you are all ok guys! Really hope so!

I am still in doing my Internship in the Gemeente (City Hall). My mate (the other intern) is a proper bitch...but I try to cope with it! hahaha!

Apart from that everything is alright here, enjoying life as much as I can and now also the weather! It's so sunny and warm now!

Last week I was in Budapest...and I saw Mia! Thank you again as it was so nice to see you ... even just for just some hours! Pretty crazy!

hahaha... i will post the photos to prove that we met hahaha!

And what else..... i would like to visit you all when I get melancholic....and it happens a bit often

Others news.... my sister is pregnant again and Dana will be 1 year old soon and Theo's b'day is also approaching!

I agree with the list of addresses Peter proposed in wich we can also add our bday you all!


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Ahoj again..
i have one small practical request on you. I was thinking that each of us could post and update his/her postal address or other contacts on this page, due to our unstable localizations. these infomations can be used for postcardal purposes, unanounced visits, and other abuses. Because now i have 3addresses of Laura in my address book and none of them is valid, soon the all L page will be only Lauras addresses, re malaka. so go on, Database yourself!!
cheers and love

Sunday, March 11, 2007

hallo pipl,
i had been cut off a bit during last weeks, but im back. im in cairo from end of january, so im settled mentally and physicaly already. if anyone is passing by, my address is peto holy, 2nd floor, 10 Mustafa Abu Heif, Downtown, cairo. (yes Ari, it is really called Downtown here, same as in Leiden :-) phone: +20100 726 647. i will stay in this flat until end of May, than im going home for few weeks and than back most probably. it is getting warmer and warmer, i think i can compete with Laura soon, as concerns the heat. i wish you prefect time take care. i dont have any photos here,,but i promise i'll provide some as soon as allah allows. i found great friends here as well, so no problem.
sending kisses to all of u and see u.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Gente, it's time to tell you...that I am leaving! Yes sir, I am leaving on Friday to Pretoria, and I have only two or three things left to put into the bag...and then I will let you know about the new environment, the people, the world there!!!
I hope to be internet connected in my room as well, so to be able to write you and keep in touch without going to the internet cafe, but I don't know how it is going to be there, so I will make you a surprise...
I kiss you all a lllooooootttt and hope to hear from you all soon, wherever you are at the moment!
Un sacco di baci, vi amo tanto!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Hi all.. don't exactly know how this blog thing goes... but it seems to work fine...I have some pics from one of the excellent parties A&S organized at Langebrug 61 :)
Hope you are all doing fine and enjoying whatever you are busy with now. Most probably left Leiden? I still live at Langebrug as well as Rixt... Maybe I'll post some more pictures later if you like...:)

Thursday, February 1, 2007